And whoso treasureth up my words, shall not be deceived - Matthew 24:39
7 Years Tribulation
Fact or Fiction
Few can doubt the world is growing darker every day, and many question what is to come by looking to the Scriptures to understand the end times prophecies. Today, many look to the idea of Seven Years Tribulation as the answer, but where did this idea originate? Where did the idea of "THE" anti-Christ come from? These topics are very popular amongst Christians today. It is important that we understand what the Scriptures promise concerning the last days.
This class is an in-depth study of these topics from a Restored Gospel perspective, using the Inspired Version of the Bible (Joseph Smith's New Translation), the Book of Mormon, and the RLDS Doctrine and Covenants. Is the idea of 7 Years Tribulation and the anti-Christ truth or fiction? We invite you to dig in, study, and find the truth with us as we explore these topics together.
Below is a nine part video series entitled "Seven Years Tribulation: Fact or Fiction" by Elder Benji Pedersen. Please review and study the slides by clicking the link for either the PDF version or the PowerPoint version.
7 Years Tribulation: Fact or Fiction
7 Years Tribulation: Fact or Fiction

Sunday School Class (Part 9) - 7 Years Tribulation by Benji Pedersen (01-17-2021)

Sunday School Class (Part 8) - 7 Years Tribulation by Benji Pedersen (01-10-2021)