And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost - 1 Nephi 3:187
Redemption of Zion
Jesus the Christ is central to everything, including all of God's plans even from the beginning of time until the end. Have we lost sight that Zion is God's Kingdom on Earth with Jesus the Christ as the King? Zion is His Kingdom - it is His work.
We are called to be willing and obedient instruments in His Hands. If we are faithful, we will be blessed with Spiritual power. Do you want to be a part of this work? Do you truly want Zion? God is willing to give all His blessings and promises if you are willing to receive.
You must ask yourself, "Am I truly willing to do all that is required?"
Join us in this class that has brought excitement, understanding, and inspiration for the work of building up the people of Zion in these last days. Please review and study the slides by clicking the link for either the PDF version or the PowerPoint version.
Jesus' Zion
Jesus' Zion

Sunday Morning Service - Jesus' Zion (01-08-2023)

Sunday Morning Service - Jesus' Zion part 2 (01-15-2023)