The Lord's mercies are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.
As we traverse this journey we call life, it's important to recognize that we cannot do this on our own. We often need the help, support, encouragement, and enlightenment from others. With this said, I highly recommend the following resources to you.
Procla1m is a YouTube Channel designed not only to share the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in a new way, but also to address those often avoided and unanswered questions. Join us as we seek to proclaim the one true God to all the earth!
In order to study to show ourselves approved unto God, it's important that we have the tools to access the scriptures wherever we are. The Scripture Toolbox was created by Glen Wiskur. Click this link to explore the many features of this site.
"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor." It's important for us to have a church family so that we might be able to strengthen and support one another as work toward the Kingdom of God. If you're searching for such a family, we invite you to try Outreach.
Is there actual proof for God? In the last 40 years, new scientific discoveries have forced the best minds of our time to rethink their conclusions about the creation of the universe. This website was created by Bob Bobbitt in an effort to help to show life-altering and perplexing truths about science and God.
Elder Robert (Bob) Bobbitt is the son of a seventy, a teacher of religious studies at Center Place Restoration School and is well known for his study and passion for apologetics and defending the gospel of Jesus Christ as given in the scriptures. He has produced many study guides and currently has a couple web sites, one of which is geared towards atheists and non-believers. This curriculum for the Book of Mormon and its plain message on this website, is a dynamic work in progress.